Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Flying with the Angels

I will keep this short and sweet because if I don't I might wind up bawling, like I have been for almost 6 days straight. We found out last night after many blood tests monitoring my HCG levels and 3 ultrasounds, we are losing the baby. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be at this time. The chef and I are grieving, it was going to be his first child and my second. We weren't trying or not trying, it was a welcome surprise we found out 2 weeks after our wedding. We were very excited and may eventually try again. I say "may" because right now, I don't want to think about trying again, I just want to grieve this loss and see what God has in store for us. I do want to have (more) children someday, just not sure when. Maybe in a few months or so. So a simple request, please keep us in your thoughts (and prayers).
I do believe that out little angel will be looking out for us. We loved the idea of being parents together.

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