Here goes!

1. Finish a coloring book. (I have tons of these at my house, I never finish one.)
2. Sleep under the stars/go camping.
3.Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day.
4.Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet.
5.Answer the "50 questions that will free your mind"
6.Don't complain about anything for a week.
7.Go to a concert.
8.Get a massage.
9. Dance in the rain.
10.Build a snowman.
11.Go on a roadtrip.
12.Go horseback riding.
13. Identify 100 things that make me happy.
14. Complete a 365 day photo challenge.
15. Go on a picnic.
16. No fast food for a month.
17. Buy a lottery ticket.
18. Find a personally inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art or home decor.
19. Read 100 books (preferrably in 365 days)
20. See 10 classic movies I have never seen.
21. Read 15 classic books.
22. Attemd the midnight premiere of a movie.
23. Go ice skating.
24. Fly a kite.
25. See a movie in 3-D
26. Go skinny dipping.
27. Do some volunteer work.
28. Go to the zoo.
29. Spend a rainy day watching movies in my pjs.
30. Not log into Facebook for a whole week.
31. Host a dinner party (aka inviting friends over for dinner)
32. Go to 5 different museums.
33. Make a birthday cake for someone.
34. Go vegetarian for a month.
35. Expand my vocabulary by 50 words.
36. Make a custom recipe book (or recipe box with recipes we use)
37. Have dinner by candlelight.
38. Bake cupcakes.
39. Finish all crossword/wordsearch books I currently own. I have a terrible habit of buying more...and never finishing any.
40. Don't cash in the change jar(s) for a year, not including the quarter cup (which is used for laundry)
41. Make a list of 25 good qualities of myself-seek help from others if needed.
42. Write a letter to myself to open at the end of 1001 days
43. Collect 101 postcards. (if you would like to help by sending me a postcard, let me know, no creeps!)
44. Write a list of 101 things I have already accomplished in my life.
45. Go to the theatre (including opera/ballet)
46. Send Christmas cards.
47. Try a new recipe every month.
48. Play a board game once a month.
49. Go to a roller derby.
50. No candy for a month.
51. Go without soda for a month.
52. Go do a palm reader/psychic.
53. Eat at 5 restaurants I've never been to.
54. Start a new tradition with my husband.
55. Print and frame recent pictures.
56. Complete 5,000 question survery.
57. Buy 20 scratch tickets. Scratch all at same time.
58. Pay for the person behind me at the drive-thru.
59. Go to the pumpkin patch.
60. Carve a jack-o-lantern.
61. Make a piece of jewelry for: C, myself, mama K, H, mama L, K, and A.
62. Feed the ducks/swans (bring camera!)
63. Stay at a bed and breakfast.
64. Unplug for a weekend.
65. Do something for a cause that means something to me (ex. MS, breast cancer, alcoholics, miscarriage...etc)
66. Go to a haunted house.
67. Donate 1,000,000 grains of rice.
68. Do 50 creative writing prompts.
69. Post 100 Operation Beautiful notes.
70. Try a fried Snickers.
71. Go sledding.
72. Give up something for Lent (yes, I know, I am not Catholic)
73. Attend Midnight Mass at least once.
74. Bake something vegan.
75. Bake something gluten-free
76. Leave phone at home when out with husband for one month (3 different months)
77. Make a "homemade" pizza (crust need not be homemade).
78. Wear heels more (once ever other month).
79. Learn how to crotchet squares.
80. Make a crotchet square blanket.
81. Finish C's blanket.
82. Catalog all books I currently own.
83. Sell all unnecessary books.
84. Go to the Douglas County Fair.
85. Ride a ferris wheel.
86. Ride zip line (in Branson)
87. Go swinging at a playground. (jumping from swing is optional!)
88. Try Indian food.
89. Learn how to successfully make pancakes.
90. Grow another plant from a leaf.
91. Go to the comedy club.
92. Add at least one angel to my collection.
93. Figure out and replace the missing number(s) to my angel calendar.
94. Finish C's bench.
95. Hehehe, this one y'all can't know! But I promise, its good.
96. Go to Lake Manawa.
97. Visit Platte River State Park.
98. Take a bubble bath once a week for a month.
99. Subscribe to a magazine.
100. Don't swear for a week. (add quarter for each word to above mentioned change jar)
101. Make a new list at the end of 1001 days.
I will keep y'all updated!
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